All The Cool Kids Are Going!

There’s a party in town and I really want to go. Everyone I know is going, everyone I know is talking about it but unfortunately I can’t go …

The party is a Slam in Nova Scotia and I guess my invite got lost in the mail – lol. Next to the Worlds and the Olympics, Slams are the ultimate event to play in; but your spot has to be earned. The atmosphere, the level of play, the fans, the pressure to perform are all part of a Slam and are the reasons everyone wants to be there. We knew from the start of the season that we had a big hill to climb. We’ve been so close in every event we played, but close doesn’t get you enough points. On the bright side, we’ve been learning a lot and getting better with each event.

What do you do if you are not in a Slam? Practice, practice, practice, and then put up some drywall and maybe write a blog. We have some work to do but we’re keeping our eyes on the prize, Olympics 2022. The Slams will come. @teamjsinclair

3 thoughts on “All The Cool Kids Are Going!

  1. Good article Jamie. IMO team turnover takes time to build chemistry. Coach O will help. Hard to rush time but I agree Slams are an important part of development and improvement. Get back to qualifying as quick as you can. Are you eligible to play Tier 2 events?

  2. Hi Jamie,
    Being a very competitive person, I understand the disappointment that you are probably feeling regarding not being invited to the Grand Slam event. I wish I was good at cheering people up, I’d use that power now if I had it. What did come to mind though was the title of a Garth Brooks song, “Thank God for Unanswered Prayers.” In hindsight, I honestly can look back at some disappointments and now be grateful that I didn’t get everything I’ve asked for. Being a man of faith, I must believe that God has something really meaningful for your life during this “downtime.” and that will make your future so much more wonderful — and I sure hope your future includes the Olympics!
    You’ve been a champion before and I believe you’ll be one again – so must a LOT of others because when I tried to buy a Team Sinclair shirt or Hoodie – they were all sold out.
    Best wishes with the Goode Chapel renovation – hope you give us a video tour when it’s done.
    I’ll say hi on Twitter every now & then just to let you know that I’m still a fan.
    Peace to you.

  3. Jamie … Part of being a player is being an observer, spectator. You know that, and I know that. For me, the self-discipline of being happy for others is balanced by my own self-respect and work on manifesting my own desires. This is a team sport. Curling has it’s personal and team challenges. You have grown so much, and we all know you aren’t done yet! You need to honor yourself, your feelings, your goals.

    What is your point of growth? Where are you at? Make your choices around your faith in yourself. When you are growing, things change for the better. I love you, and I pray for you. Seriously, I do. You are a woman of impeccable grace, charm, and talent. I believe in you. You can do anything you want. You can walk on my words.

    I am not alone in my support of you.

    You can contact me anytime.


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