Why did I become a YouTuber?

I was talking to my Mom the other day and was trying to figure exactly how I came to start my website and YouTube channel. If you knew me, you would know that I’m not the type of person that wants the attention. I am most comfortable in small groups, I am a private person yet I have somehow managed to put myself out there. I am way out of my comfort zone and still find myself trying to push for more.

I was in fourth year university in a business class. I have no idea which class; couldn’t have been super interesting or I would remember. I do remember this one day though! I was sitting in the very back. I always sat in the very back because I was rarely there with curling so I didn’t want to bring attention to myself.

In this class we had a project we had to present as part of our grade. If it wasn’t worth marks I probably would have missed the class because I had a plane to catch right after and this was cutting it close.

I kept looking at my watch, this was taking forever! Yes I had places to go, people to see, planes to catch. My brother was waiting in the parking lot for me, with luggage and curling gear, ready to drive me directly to the airport. Do you feel the sense of urgency in me?

I swear the guy presenting right before me was this super keener that just talked and talked. His 5 minute presentation was over and he was taking questions and giving 15 minute answers. I might be exaggerating but I was in a bit of a rush! When I could take no more, I put my hand up for a question. My question was simple, “Can I present now?” He was a bit surprised, as was I, for having the nerve to do it but I just had to present.

I can’t tell you anything about the presentation except I passed and afterward the professor asked why I was in such a hurry.

I explained I had a plane to catch and a curling competition to get to. He was a little curious in his response but mostly confused, not really knowing anything about curling. I quickly tried to find something online to explain curling, which was an exercise in frustration because there was nothing. I gave up and was off to catch my plane.

On the flight, when I had time to really think about it, it made me wonder why there wasn’t something out there to explain basic ideas about curling.


When you curl so much and it’s such a big part of your life, you kind of forget that outside of that world, people might have no idea what curling is all about.


An idea was born, not that I knew at this point what I was going to do about it. Enter professor #2. This was my entrepreneur professor and he took great interest in curling and the promotion of curling.


I explained to him my idea to upload videos on YouTube to showcase curling to non curlers. He loved the concept and encouraged me to go forward with the idea. He even used my idea as a business model in one of his other business classes. I am always thankful to have those people that come into my life, brief or long lasting, that build me up, give me confidence and make me a better person for knowing them. He was one of those people.


So I nervously sat down in front of a camera and talked about curling, not preaching to the choir but trying to reach those people that have not yet heard about or tried curling. I love this sport and I want so much for other people to give it a try and have fun with it.



I read all the comments on my channel and honestly all I need is one person to say they have gotten something from it and I’m a happy person, mission accomplished.

Maybe I will inspire the next generation of Olympic curlers.


3 thoughts on “Why did I become a YouTuber?

  1. I would have thought utubed because you’re the best at curling AND great looking. Be careful of North Korean kidnappers during the Olympics.

  2. Jamie,
    You easily accomplished your mission. Having been born and raised in the Deep South, I had little knowledge of curling, except for that it was a Winter Olympic sport and that, for some reason, there were a lot of Olympic curlers from Bemidji, MN. Watching your videos has taught me a lot, intrigued me more than ever about the sport and for some time now have me hoping you succeed more than any winter athlete out there. Thanks for sharing your passion and best wishes from Iowa!

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