Curling Night in America 2020

It’s Going to Make you a Curling Fan!

Curling, Curling, Curling! Its the sport for everyone. Its in the Olympics, at your local club and now on TV with Curling Night in America. I know you have seen it on TV at one time or another. You stop, gaze and wonder “what the heck is that?” You remark on the yelling that is going on, “why are they doing that shot? why did they hit that stone?” Watch for a bit longer and you start to question the calls.

You now start to call the shots yourself. You tell the person sitting next to you what the shot should be. Watch a bit longer and you become anxious for the sweeping calls. Yes, sweep you are saying … come on sweeeep. Stop, stop, stop, oh no you have over swept it, yikes! You see amazingly difficult shots being made but they make it look so easy. You are pretty sure you could do it too. The thing about curling is you CAN make some of those shots too. Out of no where you have become a curling fan. Go out to your local club for a learn to curl and watch Curling Night in America tonight on NBCSN. I look forward to talking curling with you!

6 thoughts on “Curling Night in America 2020

  1. “Yes, sweep you are saying … come on sweeeep. Stop, stop, stop, oh no you have over swept it, yikes!” I love how y’all can tune out the people screaming on the sheet of ice right next to you. I would jump and then fall on the ice. Good curling, Team Sinclair!

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